Life is hard. God is good.
Come find out why.
Grace Redeemer Church
a new church plant under the sole lordship of Jesus Christ.
We believe the Great Commission requires the church to reach all communities, no matter their social, economic, and ethnic makeup.
Therefore, we are a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and multi-generational church.
Our Mission
To make disciples that treasure Christ above all.
Our Vision
To treasure Christ together by reaching the least, the lost, and the last in Anaheim, CA & beyond.
3 Ways to Support GRC
We believe that God works when we pray. So we are looking for 100 supporters to intercede on behalf of the city of Anaheim and GRC. Sign up to receive monthly updates from us!
We believe God does the calling. We believe He called us and will call others of all ages, ethnicities, giftings, personalities, and even spiritual seasons to be a part of our GRC family.
We believe that Gospel ministry is always done in partnership. When you give to GRC, we are working to build the kingdom of God. Please prayerfully consider giving!
Our Partnerships