Church Membership
Membership at Grace Redeemer
Why Membership? Membership may seem like an outdated idea, but we believe that belonging to a local church is something that every Christian is called to. While the Bible does not tell us to have a formalized membership nor implement a church covenant explicitly, it is implied throughout Scripture. For example, Paul instructs Titus to appoint elders in every city (ch. 1) to lead, feed and protect those among them. In Phil. 1:1 he writes to the elders and deacons among the saints in Philippi. In 1 Pet. 5 there is a charge to the elders to shepherd the flock of God that The Lord has given them charge of. These are just examples of a local community that is somehow identifiable and organized.
Further, Jesus’ plan for church purity in Matthew 18:15 necessitates some type of understanding and application of membership. In 1 Corinthians 5, Paul instructs the church to have the one who is persistent in sin put out of the church. How can you have someone put out of the church if you do not know who is in the church? Christians are called to live in community with mutual accountability and love. Like the doctrine of the Trinity which is never articulated but always implied and reinforced, church membership is biblical.